Praxis Indigenous Panel – Privacy Policy


Introduction - Our commitment to privacy of your personal information

The Praxis Indigenous Panel is owned and operated by Praxis Consulting (, a Saskatchewan based company headquartered in Regina, Saskatchewan. Praxis takes the privacy of those using its sites very seriously. You can be assured your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information is one of our highest priorities. To help you protect your privacy, we provide this notice to explain our practices. This statement outlines the information Praxis will collect, how it will be used and the role of Praxis Indigenous Panel members.

This privacy policy is intended to meet the national standards of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) of Canada. PIPEDA applies to Praxis Indigenous Panel and to Praxis which operates from its offices in Regina, Saskatchewan. This Privacy statement also reflects industry guidelines and standards.

What is personal information?

Personal information includes any factual or subjective information, recorded or not, about an identifiable individual. This includes any type of information in any form whether recorded or not. A few examples of personal information are:

o   Your age, name, income, ethnic origin;

o   Your opinions, evaluations, comments, employment, preferences.

However, personal information does not include the name, title, business address or telephone number of an employee of an organization.

Organizations to which this privacy policy applies

This privacy policy applies to all the personal information collected by Praxis through the Praxis Indigenous Panel. You may become a member of the Praxis Indigenous Panel of survey/research respondents by registering to join our Praxis Indigenous Panel. 

Ten principles of privacy protection

We are committed to respecting the following 10 privacy principles which are referred to in PIPEDA.

  • Accountability: We take responsibility for the personal information under our control and we have designated a privacy officer who oversees our compliance with these privacy principles.
  • Identifying purposes: We always endeavour to be open with you about why we need to collect various types of personal information from you either before or at the time we request the information.
  • Consent: knowledge and consent of the individual are required for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information. PIPEDA contains some exceptions for example where there is a legal obligation to disclose information for law enforcement purposes.
  • Limiting collection: Collection of personal information is limited to what is necessary for the purposes we identify to you and to which you consent.
  • Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention: Personal information is not used or disclosed for different purposes than identified to you, except with your consent or as required by law. Personal information is retained only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of these purposes.
  • Accuracy: We endeavour to keep your personal information as up-to-date and accurate as is necessary. When we need updated information from you, we explain why an update is necessary.
  • Safeguards: We protect your personal information using approved and tested security safeguards which meet industry standards.
  • Openness: Upon request, we make readily available to you information about our policies and practices relating to the management of your personal information.
  • Individual Access: Upon request, we inform you of what personal information we have about you and allow you to access to your information.
  • Challenging Compliance: You have the right to question compliance with the above principles by contacting our privacy officer and obtaining information about how we are complying with these principles in order to protect your personal information.

Your consent to collect, use and disclose personal information

During the membership registration process, we gather a limited amount of personal information from you such as your name, address, contact information and other initial information. By voluntarily registering for membership in the Praxis Indigenous Panel, you are consenting to providing us with the personal information being requested of you. No personal information is sought from or about you without your prior knowledge and consent.

Information We Gather

Individuals may voluntarily become members of the Praxis Indigenous Panel by registering via a survey link. No personal information is sought from or about you without your prior knowledge and consent.

During the registration process, we gather certain personal information for contact and survey distribution purposes. We also record your IP address for member validation purposes and some browser and Operating System information for technical support purposes. After registration, we may ask members to provide information regarding their interests and lifestyle for survey distribution.

Members may also be recruited on our behalf by third party websites, who may forward personal information to us, with the member’s prior consent.

Use of Cookies

A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. The Praxis Consulting website uses cookies on the registration and survey forms for quality control and validation purposes only. The cookies are used temporarily during the time a member is actively completing a survey or filling in the registration forms.

Our Policy Concerning Children

In certain instances, Praxis Indigenous Panel may accept survey completion from children between the ages of 13 and 17 but only with parental consent. In some specific surveys we may ask if parents are willing to consent for their children to participate in an online survey. Parents are able to view the survey to determine if they are willing to consent to such participation.

Limits on collection, use and disclosure of personal information

As part of your initial registration as a member of the Praxis Indigenous Panel, we also record your IP address for member validation purposes and some browser and Operating System information for technical support purposes. After initial registration, we may ask members to provide further personal information regarding their interests and lifestyle in order to help us decide in which surveys it might be useful for you to participate.

If at any time you wish to discontinue your membership, simply send an email to requesting your name and personal information be deleted from our files.

Conditions regarding Information Sharing

Praxis will not sell or rent your personal information to anyone. We may send your personal information to other companies or people when:

o   We have your consent to share the information;

o   We need to share your information to provide the product or service you have requested;

o   Under the laws of the Government of Canada, we may disclose personally identifiable information in response to legal process, for example, in response to a court order or a subpoena;

o   We have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be violating the Terms of Use agreement; or

o   We have reason to believe a member may be causing injury to or interference with Praxis rights or property or other panel members.

o   Facebook Custom Audiences
Custom Audience Pixel is a service of Facebook Inc., (1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA). It is a small piece of Java script code from Facebook which we have integrated into Praxis Indigenous Panel. We use Custom Audience pixels in order to record information concerning the way in which visitors use our website. This pixel records and provides Facebook with information concerning the browser settings of the user, a hashed version of the Facebook ID and the URL which is being visited. We use this information for marketing purposes. We only use this for Praxis marketing purposes and do not sell or rent this data. After 180 days, the user information is deleted until the visitor accesses our website again. Further information concerning Facebook and its privacy policy details above can be found in the Data Policy and the Terms of Service of Facebook Inc

Praxis will take all necessary measures to ensure that there are no unauthorized disclosures of information.

Why personal information is collected and used by Praxis for the Praxis Indigenous Panel

We use your email address to send you invitations to participate in surveys and to contact you with messages regarding panel information. We use your postal address to mail any survey related rewards, prizes and incentives or to assign you to geographic groups as required by research projects. We use your demographic information to match members to research studies that best correspond to their interests.

Your information is used solely for research purposes. It will not be sold and you will not be the target of SPAM or unauthorized emails as a result of joining Praxis Indigenous Panel or by visiting this site. When you complete a survey, responses are analyzed in aggregate and individual members are not identified without their prior consent.

Praxis may also release personal information in aggregate (for example, 50% of Praxis Indigenous Panel members are female) in order to describe its services to prospective partners, advertisers, and other third parties and for other lawful purposes.

Special circumstances regarding disclosure of your personal information by Praxis

Personal information held in our membership database is not shared with anyone outside Praxis. Your personal information may be requested within a survey but provision of that information is at your sole discretion. When you complete a survey, responses are analyzed in aggregate and individual members are not identified without their prior consent.

How long will your personal information be kept?

Your personal information is kept only for as long as you are a member. If you decide to stop being a member of Praxis Indigenous Panel, all of the personal information you have provided will be eliminated from our files within 10 days of receiving your notification.

How will your personal information be kept secure?

Our Commitment to Security

Praxis takes the security of your information seriously. We have implemented physical, electronic and managerial procedures which meet industry standards, in order to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access to, and loss or alteration of, the personal information members provide.

Access to your personal information by Praxis personnel is limited to select staff.

Discontinuing Your Membership in Praxis Indigenous Panel 

You may discontinue your membership and have all your personal information deleted by sending an email to requesting your name and personal information be deleted from our files. 

Our efforts to ensure your personal information is accurate

You may update your personal information by sending an email to outlining the changes you wish to have made.

Accessing your personal information in our custody

To access your personal information, you may contact our privacy officer at the following e-mail address: or at the following telephone number: 306-545-3755.

Questions or complaints regarding your personal information

Any questions or complaints regarding your personal information should be directed to Praxis' privacy officer at the following e-mail address: or at the following telephone number: 306-545-3755.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time. However, the policy will not be changed in a way which would reduce the privacy protection of your personal information. Members will be notified of any substantial changes by email or by posting a prominent announcement.


The Praxis Indigenous Panel was launched in February 2020 by Praxis Consulting, a Saskatchewan based management consulting and research company. The panel gives Indigenous peoples of Canada the opportunity to have their say on a variety of issues that face the province and their local communities.

By joining the panel, you have the ability to influence political, social and consumer decision makers with the thoughts and opinions you provide on surveys. Once you join the panel, you will receive email invitations to online surveys that are applicable to you based on how you answer questions on your Profile Survey.

To ensure adequate representation of Indigenous peoples across Canada, including locations in which online access may be an issue, the Praxis Indigenous Panel also includes those residents who can participate by mail or telephone. We want to include everyone!

Join a growing number of Indigenous Peoples who have chosen to share their opinions with us!

For additional information, visit the Praxis Consulting website at